Look at these dates!
Hot off the announcement of their upcoming remix album, Ghetto Kumbé Clubbing Remixes, Ghetto Kumbé is hitting the road. There’s no denying the power of the drum. It’s primal, it cuts across borders and most importantly, it makes you want to move. Ghetto Kumbé don’t just understand that—they celebrate it, and you can celebrate it with them, live and in person, if you catch one of these shows!
02/06 - The Cornish Bank, Falmouth, UK
03/06 - The Jam Jar - Bristol, UK
04/06 - Hootananny - Brixton, UK
11/06 - Festi'Neuch - Neuchatel, CH
23/06 - Glastonbury - UK
2406 - Indie Rocket Festival - Pescara, IT
25/06 - Nuits Metis - Miramas, FR
29/06 - Kit-Cafe - Düsseldorf, DE
30/06 - Fusion Festival - DE
01/07 - MED Fest - Loulé, PT
02/07 - Karib Fest - Saint Denis, FR
08/07 - Mixto Festival - Toronto, CA
09/07 - Sunfest - London, CA
10/07 - Sunfest - London, CA
12/07 - Nuits D’Afrique - Montréal, CA
15/07 - Fêtes Escales - Vénissieux, FR
21/07 - Jardín Alhambra - Madrid, SP
23/07 - Una Señora Fiesta - Vegarrionda, SP
24/07 - Boom Fest - PT
29/07 - Afrikatage - Düsseldorf, DE
03/08 - Fest Relache - Bordeaux, FR
05/08 - Banana Fest - Labenne, FR
06/08 - Nomades Reggae Fest - Feigères,FR
11/08 - Fest Musiques Traditionnelles - Sherbrooke, CA
13/08 - Fest du bout du monde - Gaspé, CA
Stay tuned here for show info:
Ghetto Kumbé - Live on KEXP at Home